
· 約11分

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ZK is poised to bring massive scalability to blockchains, enabling many use-cases that were previously too computationally expensive or required too many transactions to be viable before. However, ZK today often works in isolated environments which limits onboarding of users. Today, we'll cover how we've manage to connect EVM wallets (ex: MetaMask) to Mina Protocol so that users can interact with zkApps built using Mina Protocol without having to download a specialized wallet.

· 約7分

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We've successfully created a Cardano smart contract that succeeds in reading Cardano NFT (CIP25) metadata directly (no oracles or trusted sources!), which unlocks a new range of use-cases from dynamic NFTs, NFT AMMs and new interoperability standards.

We've open sourced the smart contract, and provide this blog post as an dive into the approach behind it.

· 約4分

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With many tools and frameworks to create games, GameMaker has stood the test of time as a beginner-friendly tool to easily create 2D experiences. To allow these developers to easily bring their skills to web3 to create fully decentralized experiences, we've created a GameMaker template for Paima Engine allowing developers to easily get started on their web3 journey.

· 約34分

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Decentralized games currently mostly rely on recycling infrastructure built for decentralized finance applications to bootstrap their development at a lower cost. However, because these are not purpose-built solutions, they also drag in a lot of unintended consequences. We propose a new type of rollup we call Self-Sovereign Rollups that are purpose-built for gaming use-cases to unlock the next frontier of possibilities.

· 約12分

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5 days ago, the mint for our latest game Tarochi (a decentralized RPG game) ended with a massive success, not only selling out of the 10K Genesis Trainer collection, but also ending with over 35,000 free mints for the Season 1 pass and over $350,000 TGOLD minted (TGOLD being the game currency that exists as an onchain token).

Today, as we distribute TGOLD to everyone, let's talk about the mint and the future of TGOLD.

· 約11分

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It's no secret that Web2 games currently process more transaction than any web3 game can handle. Although more recent games like our onchain RPG game Tarochi handled hundreds of concurrent players at launch with no problem, online games like FF14 peaks at over 20,000 active players daily. Our goal, therefore, has to be to scale decentralized gaming experiences to the same player count. This post describes our plans on how to get there by leveraging ZK cryptography.

· 約12分

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The Lattice team has recently announced Redstone - their new L2 built using their new contribution to OP Stack (the stack that powers the Optimism L2).

The question on everyone's mind is, therefore, "Should onchain games be built on this L2, and how does it compare to alternatives?". Many have been reaching out to our team at Paima Studios for our opinion given that we are one of the top builders of onchain games with games live on multiple chains, and so we will do our best to dive into the nuances.

· 約3分

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On November 2nd, RFLXT has joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional - a group of entities dedicated to the growth and adoption of Web3 through usage of the Paima Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem, RFLXT has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in the Paima ecosystem.

· 約10分

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オンチェーン・ゲーム、げーミフケーションと自律型世界を創出するための世界最大のロールアップ・フレームワークであるPaima Engineは、Cardanoブロックチェーンから140万ドルの助成金を受け取りました。Cardanoは時価総額第5位の暗号通貨であり、現在3億5000万ドルの資金を保有するオンチェーン・トレジャリーを持っています。このトレジャリーは、すべてのCardano保有者がトレジャリーの資金をどのように使用するか投票するプライベート(ZK)投票システムに基づいて分配されます。今回の発表を記念して、PaimaのソースコードがGithubで公開されています。

· 約3分

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On August 29, Footprint Analytics has joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional - a group of entities dedicated to the growth and adoption of Web3 through usage of the Paima Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem Footprint Analytics has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in the Paima ecosystem.

Footprint provides vital data to game industry builders, including developers, streamlining game development and enabling comprehensive data monitoring throughout the game development and operation. “By working together, Paima and Footprint will definitely make the future of game industry and benefit all the participants across the ecosystem”

- Navy Tse, the CEO and co-founder of Footprint Analytics.

“The beauty of onchain games is that in-game actions can be analyzed by users to come up with novel strategies, and can easily be analyzed by DAOs and players to motivate interesting new changes to the game mechanics. Paima architecture facilitates easily creating and sharing grammars that define in-game action, making it easy to combine with tools like Footprint Analytics to parse and share structured insights.”

- Sebastien Guillemot, co-founder of Paima Studios

What are Paima Engine Professionals

Paima Engine Professionals is a group created to recognize entities in the Paima ecosystem who leverage their deep understanding of the Paima Engine to power growth and adoption of Web3. Paima Engine Professionals receive direct support from the Paima Studios team in the form of educational material, technical support and lead generation

To learn more about Paima Engine Professionals, please visit our homepage below

Paima Studios

Paima Studios, founded in April 2022, are the core developers of the Paima Engine: a Web3 engine built using novel layer 2 technology that allows building onchain games, gamification and autonomous worlds. Paima Engine is a safe and easy way to enter Web3 as it can be used with Web2 skills and doesn't expose users or developers to common Web3 risks and hacks.

Footprint Analytics

Footprint Analytics is a data platform blending Web2 and Web3 data with abstractions. Footprint helps analysts, builders, and investors turn blockchain data into insights with accessible visualization tools and a powerful multi-chain API across 20+ chains for NFTs, GameFi, and DeFi. Footprint also provides Footprint Growth Analytics to help with effective growth in GameFi and any Web3 projects.

Media contact

Lightning Communications
Fred Tanaka
E: [email protected]