


· 約12分

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The Lattice team has recently announced Redstone - their new L2 built using their new contribution to OP Stack (the stack that powers the Optimism L2).

The question on everyone's mind is, therefore, "Should onchain games be built on this L2, and how does it compare to alternatives?". Many have been reaching out to our team at Paima Studios for our opinion given that we are one of the top builders of onchain games with games live on multiple chains, and so we will do our best to dive into the nuances.

· 約3分

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On November 2nd, RFLXT has joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional - a group of entities dedicated to the growth and adoption of Web3 through usage of the Paima Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem, RFLXT has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in the Paima ecosystem.

· 約10分

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オンチェーン・ゲーム、げーミフケーションと自律型世界を創出するための世界最大のロールアップ・フレームワークであるPaima Engineは、Cardanoブロックチェーンから140万ドルの助成金を受け取りました。Cardanoは時価総額第5位の暗号通貨であり、現在3億5000万ドルの資金を保有するオンチェーン・トレジャリーを持っています。このトレジャリーは、すべてのCardano保有者がトレジャリーの資金をどのように使用するか投票するプライベート(ZK)投票システムに基づいて分配されます。今回の発表を記念して、PaimaのソースコードがGithubで公開されています。

· 約2分

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On 7 June 2023, Arbitrary Execution has joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional — a group of entities dedicated to the growth and adoption of Web3 through usage of the Paima Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem Arbitrary Execution has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in the Paima ecosystem.

· 約2分

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On 18th June 2023, Pocket Network Inc has joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional — a group of entities dedicated to the growth and adoption of Web3 through usage of the Paima Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem, Pocket Network has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in the Paima ecosystem.

· 約2分

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On 16.06.2023, Liquify Ltd joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional — a group of entities dedicated to the growth and adoption of Web3 through usage of the Paima Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem Liquify Ltd has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in the Paima ecosystem.

· 約3分

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April 6th, Globant has joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional — a group of entities dedicated to the growth and adoption of Web3 through usage of the Paima Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem Globant has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in the Paima ecosystem.

· 約2分

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On March 6th, Vacuumlabs has joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional 4Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem Vacuumlabs has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in this ecosystem.