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On 18th June 2023, Pocket Network Inc has joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional — a group of entities dedicated to the growth and adoption of Web3 through usage of the Paima Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem, Pocket Network has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in the Paima ecosystem.

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Paima Studios announced the launch of its next Web3 game Wrath of the Jungle: Tower Defense on the Paima Engine platform, a Web3 game publishing platform designed to build, launch and operate blockchain-powered games designed to support wide-scale decentralized applications. The game is the next step in the evolution of Paima Studios in quest to deliver the industry’s leading on-chain game development platform.

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On March 6th, Vacuumlabs has joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional 4Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem Vacuumlabs has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in this ecosystem.

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On March 6, 2023, MLabs joined the Paima Ecosystem as a Paima Engine Professional — a group of entities dedicated to the growth and adoption of web3 through usage of the Paima Engine. Having shown a deep understanding of the Paima ecosystem, MLabs has become one of Paima Studio’s recommended partners for any new individual or company looking to join and build in the Paima ecosystem.

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Revolutionizing Gaming with Trustless Web3 and Paima Engine

Blockchain technology has come a long way since the early days of Bitcoin. Initially, blockchains were perceived as nothing more than ledgers for storing and transacting assets. But the introduction of smart contracts and their ability to add logic and depth to transactions opened up a new world of possibilities. One of the most significant developments to emerge from this new era of blockchain is the concept of decentralized finance or DeFi.

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Paima Studios is proud to announce the launch of Jungle Wars: NFT Rumble, the first trustless Web3 blockchain game built using Paima Engine, now live on the Milkomeda C1 mainnet!

This casual yet psychological turn-based PVP game merges the worlds of gaming and blockchain technology, providing players with a trustless, decentralized, and truly immersive experience.